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Longfleet Friends (PTA)

Welcome to Longfleet Friends PTA

We are an open community of volunteers who work alongside the school and teachers to benefit the school and ensure the best educational experience for all its pupils. All the funds we raise go directly back to the school to support them in creating an environment in which they can thrive. However, it is not just about the fundraising. We support the school with their events, we provide social functions for both the adults and the children and provide extra friendly faces throughout the school to help parents enrich their social support network. All parents and carers of children at Longfleet are automatically members of Longfleet Friends.

Our PTA has recently relaunched with a new team of officers bringing new ideas and energy to the PTA. We are working on bringing back old favourite fundraisers whilst also trying out some new fresh ideas. We held a very successful Summer Fair in June, the first in 4 years. It was a wonderful occasion and seeing the smiles on the children’s faces was a joy. We also welcomed some of the younger children who were starting reception in September. What a way to show them the Longfleet School spirit!

We look forward to increasing the presence of the PTA once again and supporting the school at events throughout the year. Raising funds is important or course, but sometimes it is equally nice to chip in however possible be it serving teas and coffees or an extra pair of hands here and there in and around the school or helping out on school trips.

Over the years, the PTA’s fundraising has raised thousands of pounds and has been able to fund and contribute to various projects and items such as;


The new ARK facility

A climbing wall 

The house point token system

Reading pin badges

The reading shed

donations per child towards school trips name but a few.
