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Peripatetic Music Lessons

Learning to Play Musical Instruments at Longfleet 


Class Music Lessons

As well as singing, all children learn to play musical instruments in their class music lessons. This year they will learn to play the following instruments:

Reception & KS1 - tuned & untuned percussion

Year 3 – recorder

Year 4 – recorder (Autumn & Spring) and Brass (Summer)

Year 5 – ukulele

Year 6 – keyboard


Small Group Instrumental Tuition

In addition to their class music lesson some pupils choose to have small group tuition on another instrument. For specific information about the fees and availability for the different instruments please read Peripatetic Music Lessons & Instrumental Clubs: Detailed Information”.


Having musical instrument lessons during school time requires a high degree of physical coordination, excellent organisational skills and a willingness to practise regularly at home. Pupils will also have to catch up with any work missed in class. Therefore Peripatetic music lessons are  primarily aimed at Key Stage 2 pupils (Years 3 – 6). Children can go onto the wairing list from Year 2 and may occasionally be allocated a space if one becomes available and there are no KS2 pupils on the waiting list. 


When allocating places we will consider two things: your position on the waiting list and the age of your child compared to the age of the children in the group where the space is available. We aim to place children in a group with other children in the same or very close year group. Most places become available at the start of the school year but occasionally spaces do open up during the school year.


Children who have peripatetic music lessons sometimes have a different lesson time each week to avoid missing playtimes or other key parts of the day. They will need to check their lesson time on their music timetable every week and remember to go to their lesson at the correct time. The music timetables are displayed in every classroom and outside the music room. Children also have the responsibility to remember their instruments and music books on each day that they have a lesson.


Fees & payment

We do not issue invoices for music tuition fees but they should always be paid in the first week of each term. You may pay with cash or a cheque at the school office or online using Parent Pay. If you wish to discontinue your child’s peripatetic music lessons half a term’s notice is required using the correct form. You can download the notice form from this page or ask for one at the office.



Orchestra meets after school on Wednesdays from 3.15-4.30pm. Membership is by invitation from Miss Wright and it is for children who already know how to play an orchestral instrument and are having lessons. If your child plays an orchestral instrument and would like to join the orchestra please let Miss Wright know if they haven't already been invited. 
