If you do not know or have misplaced your account details simply send an email to AskGoogle@longfleet.coastalpartnership.co.uk and we'll send back the details you need.
Please remember to include the following:
Go to classroom.google.com
When asked for an email or phone number type in the school provided email address
Click Next
When asked for a password type in the school provided password
Click Next
If this is your first time using Google Classroom, you'll be asked to firstly read and accept Google's agreement, then to choose "I'm a Student"
You're in!
Remember, even though the usernames for the accounts look like email addresses, we have not activated the feature to allow inboxes, so sending emails to the addresses won't go anywhere.
Some teachers will have a select or direct way that they would like you to join their Meet session for live sessions. If you choose to join another way you may find yourself denied access or kicked out by the teacher.
Any questions about this please ask the teacher.
If a teacher is teaching, they cannot read technical email queries at the "AskYear" email address so won't be able to help!
If you're logged in with your school provided Google Classroom account you will not need to enter a Class Code, the system will automatically allocate it to the correct class.
Check that you're trying to access through the school provided account, not a personal one.
The password we've provided for you is the correct length, the system that generates the accounts to be used with Google Classroom makes it so that they're ready to use.
If you get a message saying the password is too long, you're not actually using the account we've provided for you, you're actually trying to create a personal one.
Unfortunately, we've setup our Google Classroom so that you are only able to access it with the school issued accounts.
This is actually a very simple one and usually happens when trying to use the Google Classroom app on a tablet or mobile device.
Google has an added layer of security and requires that the device you're accessing Google Classroom on has a password/passcode.
This password/passcode can be as simple as 1234 but it needs to be there for access to Google Classroom.
When you're looking at the meet on a computer, in the bottom right of the screen you should see three dots (move the mouse to the bottom right if you see nothing there).
Spotlight - Full-screen layout with the option to display the presentation, active speaker, or participant you pin. When you pin a participant or presentation, they’re always visible.
Sidebar - One main image of a participant or the presentation. The images of other meeting participants are on the side.