Welcome to Year 2
Miss Percy - Turtle Class Teacher, Year Leader
Mrs Fellows - Lobster Class Teacher
Mrs Graham - Dolphin Class Teacher
Miss Street Mr Brown Miss Wright
(Cover) (PE) (Music)
Mrs James Mrs Brewster Mrs Watkins
Welcome to Year 2. We are delighted to be working with your children and welcome you to another exciting year in their school lives.
If you would like to discuss your child’s learning or share any pastoral information (e.g. changes in circumstances at home, friendships) please contact the team on AskYear2@longfleet.coastalpartnership.co.uk , noting in the subject heading which teacher you would like to get in touch with. We will endeavour to get back to you as quickly as possible during the working week. For all non-learning matters (e.g. payments, clubs, pick-up arrangements), please contact Office@longfleet.coastalpartnership.co.uk .
Our aim is to give every child the opportunity to experience ‘An Honourable Life in All Its Fullness’ and we hope that your child has a wonderful year with us here in Year 2.
PE days: Thursday and Friday
Your child will need to come into school in their PE kit on their PE day, alongside any days in which they are attending an after school sports club.
Learning in Year 2 (Termly Overview)
These termly overviews outline the units, subject skills and 'must haves' that your child will be learning. You may wish to discuss and research some of the learning at home if your child has shown a particular interest in one of the areas. Perhaps even go on a family day out. To see a larger version, please click the PDF link below.
Spring Overview
Home Learning
Take a look in our brand new Longfleet reading records for all the information you need about home reading.
All homework login details can be found towards the back of the reading records, including your child's spelling group.
Reading: At least 3 times a week, checked on Friday
Your child will bring home a selection of books to read. Ideally, we hope that our children read daily but we expect every child to read a minimum of 3 times a week and record this in their reading record.
Spellings: Set on Thursday, tested on Wednesday
Your child's weekly spellings will be available to view on Google Classroom.
Please let your child's class teacher know if you need a reminder of login details.
Maths: 15 minutes a week
We ask that all of our pupils spend around 15 minutes each week playing on Numbots and, later in the year, TT Rock Stars to develop their number skills.
Please click here for:
Numbots and TT Rock Stars (website)
Another fantastic maths resource is the White Rose One Minute Maths app which can be downloaded to phones or tablets.
Purple Mash is also full of fun online learning activities.
For technical and password support, please contact Mr Oulton on AskGoogle@longfleet.coastalpartnership.co.uk or follow the link below:
GO WILD for Reading celebrates the children's home reading efforts.
For every week that your child completes 3 reads, they can colour in an animal. Once all of the animals have been coloured in, your child will be able to claim their prize from Mr Helm.
For each additional read that week, they can colour in a leaf of the 'bonus trees'. Again, once a tree is fully coloured, they will be able to claim their bonus prize.
Reading together at home really does make a difference so please make it a part of your weekly routines. Happy reading!
Longfleet 'Must Reads' for Year 2
Below are a selection of our 'Must Read' books that we enjoy throughout the year in Year 2. These are high quality texts that we feel will enrich our children's reading experiences as well as help to take them on a varied reading journey throughout their time at primary school. By the end of Year 2, all of the children will have heard and enjoyed these books in class but they may wish to add them to their own collection at home. Re-reading and discussing favourite books is such a valuable part of the reading experience and something that can also be enjoyed as a family. Happy reading!
How Can I Support My Child at Home?
Here are some helpful links and resources to use at home:
Every child has an Oxford Owl login which gives access to hundreds of high quality books at their reading level. Please look inside your child's reading record to find the details.