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Mental Health and Wellbeing


Children’s mental health and wellbeing has always been important at Longfleet Primary School.  In current times it has become even more important with so many changes and additional pressures.  The aim of this page is to signpost resources that may be of benefit to all of us.


‘Promoting children and young people’s wellbeing is a key part of keeping them safe, helping them develop and ensuring they have positive outcomes into adulthood’ (Public Health England, 2021).


No one should ever feel alone and it is vital that we all seek help when needed.


Promoting positive mental health happens every single day through our interactions in school and with the wider school community.  Emotional wellbeing and mental health is a key focus and we understand that this underpins the framework for our children to become successful and engaged learners and feel safe, a sense of belonging and instil self-belief.


Through our curriculum and through positive interactions, we teach the children that we all experience a wide range of emotions and that this is normal.  We want to empower the children to recognise and feel these emotions in order that they can recognise their own triggers and develop strategies to manage these feelings.


Miss Penny Irons and Mrs Clare Kent have recently undertaken Senior Mental Health Lead training and a steering group has been set up with staff throughout the school to embed the importance of the emotional and mental health and wellbeing of everybody within our school community and how we can all develop some self-care.


Listed below are links to websites and resources that you may find useful.
