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Year 5

Welcome to Year Five!


We look forward to teaching your children and wish all of Year Five a fun, interesting and engaging year!


The year group is divided into 3 classes. The class teachers are:


    Mrs Taylor- Kites     Mrs Wescott - Sparrowhawks    Miss Irons - Eagles






Our teaching assistants are: 

       Mrs Gardiner               Mrs Campbell




Contacting Us:

If you would like to discuss your child’s learning or share any pastoral information (e.g. changes in circumstances at home, friendships) please contact the team on , noting in the subject heading which teacher you would like to get in touch with. We will endeavour to get back to you as quickly as possible during the working week. For all non-learning matters (e.g. payments, clubs, pick-up arrangements), please contact 



PE days are Thursdays. As the weather becomes warmer, please ensure your child has sun-block applied in the morning and brings a cap if needed. 


Reading Records:

Reading records and reading books are expected to be in school every day.
During a week children are expected to complete at least 3 reads at home and these must be recorded in the child’s reading record and signed by parent/guardian.
The reading record will be checked each Thursday and if the 3 reads are not completed your child will spend their Friday break time reading their book in Mrs Taylor's class!





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Buddens Activity Centre

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Buddens Behaviour Charter

Home Learning

This will consist of the following:


Spellings: Each week, the spellings will be placed on Google Classroom on Thursday morning and children will be tested on the following Tuesday morning. The children will always have the dictation on Google Classroom, as well as a Purple Mash quiz to help them.


Maths: Our maths homework is set on Freckle. Each child's group has a specific code which they should have with them on their log-in card. Each Thursday, 10 questions will be set in their "rucksack" that they will need to complete by the following Wednesday. If your child scores below 70% in these 10 questions - they should attempt the questions again.


SPAG: Each week the children will be set 10 questions on (Thursday). This needs to be completed by Tuesday.


Computing: This will be set on Google Classroom. A video will be shown to help your child through the homework that has been set. 


Your child also has the option to complete TT Rockstars challenges (as many times per week as the like) and also to complete Accelerated Reader quizzes once they have completed a book.


All usernames and passwords should be on your child's log-in card. They have a blue one for school (kept in their Chromebook bag) and a yellow one for home.





Key Stage 2 Reading Guide for Parents.

Summer Curriculum Overview

Summer Term Subject Overview (document)

Spring Curriculum Overview

Year 5 Autumn Term Curriculum

Year 5 Must Reads

Please click on the link to view our Year 5 Must Reads. These are texts specifically chosen for their rich vocabulary and their ability to "hook" the reader in. By the end of Year Five, all of these texts will have been accessed by the children: some in guided reading, others in our class reading time. They are also in our "special book boxes" if the children want to take them out for themselves!
