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Meet the Governors

Welcome to our Governors’ section.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.

The Governing Body

The Governing Body has a responsibility to oversee the effective management of the school and ensure the school fulfils all statutory obligations.

Full Governing Body

(Contact via marked for the attention of Chair of Governors)



Teaching and Learning Committee:

Melanie Bright( Chair), Kirsty Read-Blake,  Nigel Helm (HT),  James King, Tessa Wright

Resources Committee:

David James (Chair), Mark Hill,  Nigel Helm (HT),  Melanie Bright (Chair of Governors)

Inclusion and Pastoral Care:

Carley Adams (Chair), Joe Curtis, Helen Wallis, Mark Hill

Pay Committee:

David James (Chair), Carley Adams,  Mark Hill

Pupil Discipline & Exclusion:

Any 3 eligible governors

Admissions and Appeals:

Any 3 eligible governors

Headteacher Performance Management:

Melanie Bright

Staff Disciplinary:

3 eligible governors

Staff Disciplinary Appeals:

3 eligible governors

Health and Safety – David James

Inclusion/SEND – Joe Curtis

Safeguarding/Prevent – Carley Adams

EYFS and KS1– Kirsty Reade-Blake

SIAMS and Collective Worship –Eden Elkins

RE curriculum – Melanie Bright

Pupil Premium – Helen Wallis

Maths - vacancy

Literacy – Melanie Bright

Systems and Processes – Mark Hill

Equalities – Joe Curtis

Staff Wellbeing – Mark Hill

Wider Curriculum – vacancy

Who School Governors are


Governing bodies are made up of all sorts of people who contribute in many different and complementary ways.


Almost anyone can be a school governor, unless they are:


  • under 18, or
  • disqualified because of such things as bankruptcy and recent prison sentence

What Governors do


Governing bodies have a very wide range of powers and responsibilities. They include supporting the school in five key areas:


  • employment of staff
  • oversight of the curriculum
  • use of financial resources
  • welfare of pupils
  • up-keep of the premises


In an effective governing body, governors make strategic decisions:


  • set the framework for decision making by setting policy and budgeting to meet priorities;
  • keep informed about what the school is doing to implement policy and what is happening to monitor and evaluate the quality of education experienced by the children;
  • regularly evaluate their own performance and seek ways to become more effective


Governors at Longfleet:


  • meet as a full governing body once a term
  • meet as a smaller committee (either ‘Teaching and Learning’ or ‘Resources’) once a half term
  • may be linked to a specific area of school life e.g. Literacy, Maths, SEN, Boys, Collective Worship
  • will often visit the school for a variety of different activities e.g. assemblies, celebrations, INSET days, walking tours of the school


Governors are NOT responsible for the day-to-day running of the school. This is the job of the Headteacher and staff.


If you would like to speak to the Chair of Governors please send a request via the school office. Governors will usually also be available on Parents Evenings.

Could You Be a Governor?


The governing body includes parents and professionals from all walks of life. If you think you would like to help the school evolve, the documents below give an introduction to the role and responsibilities of Governors.


More general information about being a governor can be found on these websites here:

Adopted by the Governors of Longfleet Primary School - September 2021

Business Ethics and Declaration of Interests

It is important that the governors and staff not only act impartially, but are also seen to act impartially. In May 1996 the Nolan Committee published a report on standards in public life as applicable to local public spending bodies, including schools.  The report identified seven principles, which should be applied in public life.  These are:  selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership.  One important means by which a school may demonstrate that it is applying these principles is by maintaining a Register of Business Interests.

The governing body and school staff have a responsibility to avoid any conflict between their business and personal interests and affairs and the interests of the school.  Paragraph 2.9 of the “Scheme of Local Management of Schools” requires that a register of business interests must be maintained for both Governors and the Headteacher (and staff with significant financial responsibilities), which must be freely available for inspection by governors staff and parents.
The register must include all business interests such as directorships, share holdings and other appointments of influence within a business or other organisation, which may have dealings with the school.  The disclosures should also include business interests of relatives and other individuals who may exert influence.  Schools should ensure the register is up to date and complete, includes all governors and relevant staff and in this regard signed and dated nil returns are also required.

Governor Register of Interests 2023-24

Governor Register of Interests 2022-23

Attendance at meetings 2022-23

Attendance at meetings 2021-22
