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I have come so that you might have life - life in all its fullness

(John 10:10)

Live an honourable life, doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom

(James 3:13)


Live an honourable life in all its fullness


The vision for our school is to promote excellence and academic rigour within a wider framework of spiritual, moral, social, physical and cultural development, which enables the children of Longfleet (CE) Primary School to flourish, so that they may live an honourable life in all its fullness.

Click the link below for a fuller understanding of the important role our vision and values have in building our caring and cohesive school community.

Welcome to the website for Longfleet Church of England Primary School.


The aim of the website is to give you useful information about our school and also to reflect its ethos.  Our school is welcoming and friendly with good relationships between pupils, staff, parents and carers being of paramount importance to us.  We believe that children learn best when they feel safe, valued and are happy to come to school.  We have high expectations of all pupils in terms of academic achievements, learning attitudes and general behaviour.

In our latest church school inspection (September 2022 - Statutory Inspection of Anglican or Methodist Schools) we were graded as Excellent.  Comments included:-

  • Pupils flourish at Longfleet because of the radically inclusive vision. Barriers are broken down, so that all can find their passions and take them in to their life outside of school. Pupils and adults watch over each other in love, which is unprompted and strikingly normal.
  • The school has woven itself into the heart of the community and built strong connections with a range of partners to ensure that all pupils and adults are supported to grow academically and spiritually. Staff feel truly valued.
  • Being part of Longfleet has a transformational impact on the lives of
    staff and pupils.
  • Pupils delight in learning, and they show kindness and consideration as
    they play with their friends at breaktimes. The carefully chosen class reading books celebrate diversity.  Pupils grow to see themselves as part of the rich tapestry of their community locally, nationally, and internationally.
  • The school's vision changes lives and transforms the community into a vibrant glimpse of the best the world can be.

"The Blessing" by Longfleet pupils

Written by Kari Jobe Carnes, Cody Carnes, Steven Furtick, and Chris Brown, compiled/rendered by Mr. Oulton

Our latest Ofsted Report (March 2019) includes the following comments:-

  • “Pupils work well together.  From their earliest years in school they learn to attend and concentrate in class because of the school’s high expectations of behaviour and respect for each other.”

  • “Pupils enjoy a wide range of activities.  You are rightly proud of the opportunities in sports and music.”

  • “Children make a strong start in Reception.  Pupils make progress throughout KS1 and KS2 so that progress and attainment are in line with, or better than, national averages.”

  • “A strong caring culture where every child and their family are valued underpins safeguarding practice at the school.”

  • “Governors support and challenge well.  They are committed, confident and very well informed about the school.”

  • “Leaders and governors are aspirational that all pupils do well in school and have the best opportunities possible.”

  • “Leaders monitor progress of pupils closely and intervene if they are at risk of falling behind.”

  • “Pupils’ work in books is of good quality.  It is engaging, with appropriate choices of punctuation, language and vocabulary.”

  • “Parental satisfaction in the school is very high.”

Biennially, the Governors ask the parents for their views about various aspects of the school, please click below to see the results of the questionnaire.

We are rightly proud of our school and we hope that by looking through the website and take the time to read the published half-termly newsletters you will get a 'feel' for the hard work and fun that happens on a daily basis.  If you are a prospective parent or are thinking of moving into the Longfleet area then please contact us to arrange a tour where you can see the school in action.


Best wishes,


Nigel Helm
