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Worship Time

The Prayer sung by Year 4

Worship Time 2024-25 - Weekly Summaries


Please see the Worship section in the Weekly Notices - Weekly Notices

Worship Time Organisation


Organisation of Collective Worship at Longfleet (CE) Primary School:


Monday – KS2 Collective Worship

Tuesday – Class Worship

Wednesday – Hymn Worship

Thursday – Class Worship (Reflection)

Friday –Whole School Celebration Worship 

Monday – KS1 Collective Worship

Tuesday – Hymn Worship

Wednesday – Class Worship

Thursday – Class Worship (Reflection)

Friday – Whole School Celebration Worship

Worship Themes

Within our worships we look at how we can use the plentiful supply of our school values (Respect, Kindness, Resilience and Wisdom) to make a difference to the communities we are part of.

We also cover the traditional Christian festivals of Christmas and Easter including services at SML.  Harvest is celebrated at SML Church including a collection for the Poole Food Bank.  Times of national commemoration are also covered e.g. Remembrance Day as well as relevant 'national weeks' e.g. Anti-Bullying, Children's Mental Health.
