Worship Time 2024-25 - Weekly Summaries
Below you will find a summary of the Worship Time for that week.
Worship 1
This week we focussed on the word ‘belonging’. We thought about how belonging to Team GB might have helped our Olympic and Paralympic athletes produce some amazing performances in Paris. In class the children discussed the connections, groups and clubs they belong to both in school e.g. class or house and out of school e.g. family or Beavers and the benefits they felt from being a part of these. Our faith can provide us with a sense of belonging and a connection to others. It is during the trickier times in our lives, that having a network of people around us to whom we feel we belong, can provide us with the extra strength and resilience we need.
Worship 2
Our focus this week was our Keep Safe systems in school. Mrs Eden (Deputy Head and Designated Safeguarding Lead) talked to the pupils about the class Keep Safe boxes. Pupils can post a note into the box if they have a worry or a concern they want to let an adult know about. Later in the term, some of the older pupils will be able to apply to become Keep Safe Councillors. As a team, they will lead various safety campaigns across the school eg. Anti-Bullying, Online Safety etc. For those with a faith background, there is a belief that God will watch over us and help keep us safe. As it says in Micah 7:8, “When I fall, I shall rise. When I sit in darkness the Lord will be a light to me.”
Worship Time Organisation
Organisation of Collective Worship at Longfleet (CE) Primary School:
Monday – KS2 Collective Worship
Tuesday – Class Worship
Wednesday – Hymn Worship
Thursday – Class Worship (Reflection)
Friday –Whole School Celebration Worship
Monday – KS1 Collective Worship
Tuesday – Hymn Worship
Wednesday – Class Worship
Thursday – Class Worship (Reflection)
Friday – Whole School Celebration Worship
Worship Themes
Within our worships we look at how we can use the plentiful supply of our school values (Respect, Kindness, Resilience and Wisdom) to make a difference to the communities we are part of.
We also cover the traditional Christian festivals of Christmas and Easter including services at SML. Harvest is celebrated at SML Church including a collection for the Poole Food Bank. Times of national commemoration are also covered e.g. Remembrance Day as well as relevant 'national weeks' e.g. Anti-Bullying, Children's Mental Health.