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Sports Ambassadors

Photo of 2024 Sports Ambassadors to come!

The Year 5 Sports Ambassadors are chosen in the autumn term. After handing in their application form, they are are chosen for evidence which shows our four values: resilience, kindness, wisdom and respect. The Sports Ambassadors have weekly tasks to complete, which may include:


-Preparing for KS2 Active Times

-Ensuring PE equipment is safely stored

-Keeping PE equipment well maintained

-Working with KS1 children at lunchtime clubs.


During school-wide and CLP-wide sports events, the Sports Ambassadors will be called upon to help with setting up, scoring and officiating. Sports Ambassadors in the previous year helped set up and score during the SEND Panathlon, Sports Day and friendlies played between Longfleet and local schools.


Further to this, Sports Ambassadors will complete Bronze Level Leaders Awards that will enable them to instigate and lead play/games with EYFS, Year One and Year Two pupils (lunchtime clubs).

