Next week is National Anti-Bullying week, or as we prefer to call it at Longfleet, Kindness Week. The theme this year is ‘Reach Out’. Throughout the week we will be talking about how and to whom we can reach out if we feel we are being bullied or we feel worried or sad or lonely. We will also consider how we can reach out to others if we see somebody who needs help. Reaching out to others will include participating in acts of kindness and activities that promote the school value of kindness.
We would love to hear about or receive photos of any acts of kindness that happen within the home, extended family or wider community. Kindly email your child’s year group team if you would like to share.
To kick-start Kindness Week we invite all adults and children to wear odd socks on Monday 14th November to promote diversity and celebrate difference. We are all unique!
If you would like further information regarding Anti-Bullying Week and the Anti-Bullying Alliance please Click Here.
‘We all have a responsibility to help each other reach out. Together, let’s be the change we want to see. Reflect on our own behaviour, set positive examples and create kinder communities. (ABA)