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Dumming Lessons Available

There is a space for a KS2 pupil to start drumming lessons this term. The lessons are on Mondays from 4.20 - 4.40pm. There are 10 lessons per term, with our peripatetic teacher, Rob Lacey. The lessons are taught in pairs and the cost is £43 per term, per pupil. Preference will be given to children in Year 4 or 5 as they will be sharing the lesson with a Year 5 pupil. However, if you are in Year 3, good at listening and have lots of enthusiasm you could be just the right person!

If you are interested in taking up the place please contact Miss Wright or the school office. If you are interested in drumming lessons but can't do the time slot we have available please ask Miss Wright or the school office to add your name to the waiting list.
