- Orchestra, Tuesday Clarinet Club, Piano, Violin, Cello & Flute all start in the first week back (w/b 29th October).
- Keyboard, Drums, Guitar & Friday Clarinet Club all start in the 2nd week back (w/b 5th November)
- Brass lessons do not start until 12th November.
Don't forget that all the information you need about our music clubs & peripatetic instrument lessons (including fees, teaching dates & timetables) is all available to view on our website here: http://www.longfleet.poole.sch.uk/musical-instrument-tuition-clubs/
For more information about how music is taught and celebrated at Longfleet please see our learning page here:
http://www.longfleet.poole.sch.uk/music/ . It has some great videos of our orchestra rehearsing for the Royal Albert Hall!