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Peripatetic Music Lessons Under Way This Week

The keyboard and violin pupils were the first to return to their lessons this week. Guitars, clarinets, brass and drums all re-start next week. Cellos, pianos and flutes will be starting slightly later in the term. If your child does small group music lessons, please make sure you have read the letter that was emailed out to all KS2 families last week. There is a copy of the letter on the music page of the school website (under the learning tab) and you can also find all the timetables here. Please take note that a few things have changed due to the precautions we are taking to keep everybody safe. There have been lots of changes to days, times and locations so please do have a look at the timetable with your child so that they feel prepared. It's super important that children remember their instruments and music and remember to go to their lessons this term. Unfortunately they won't be able to share equipment or go to fetch children from other classes if they forget to come. We're looking forward to hearing lots of music around the school again!