Dear Parents and Carers,
It would appear that Storm Emma is potentially going to result in some snow falling in the local area over the next few days. At present we are expecting to continue ‘business as usual’. If the opportunity arises (i.e. we get a significant amount) we will alter our lessons and provide opportunities for the children to enjoy the snow. Therefore, it is important that they have appropriate clothing (a coat) in school and a warm PE kit (tracksuit bottoms and top etc.) to change into if they get wet. Depending upon circumstances you may wish to send in wellies, gloves etc in a spare bag.
In the highly unlikely event that the school needs to close we will inform you via:-
School Website
Local Radio
If the amount of snow changes significantly during the school day (i.e. roads could be becoming increasingly dangerous) we will communicate with you about giving you the option to pick your child up earlier than 3.15pm if you so wished.
We are planning for Thursday’s Music Concert at St. Mary’s Church (6.30pm-8pm, everyone welcome) to go ahead. If we do have to change plans we will obviously communicate this with you and would make sure that it was rescheduled for later in the year.