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Individual Home Learning (Stage 1 work - whilst waiting for a test result)

Whilst learning from home, please ensure your child continues to:

  • Practise reading fluency and comprehension using books from school and home and the Oxford Owl online e-books.
  • Regularly share and enjoy stories with you.
  • Practise letter sounds taught so far.
  • Practise tricky words taught so far.


In addition to the activities below, a range of lessons linked to subjects within the Early Years Foundation Stage can be found at:


Oak National Academy


BBC Bitesize

Day 1 Phonics

Day 2 Phonics

Day 3 Phonics

Day 4 Phonics

Day 6 Phonics

Day 7 Phonics

Day 8 Phonics

Day 9 Phonics

Miss Cox’s Top 10 Play Challenges:  ‘It’s Party Time!’ topic


•    Make a party hat from card or paper and decorate it.
•    Write your Christmas list for Father Christmas.
•    Look at and talk about photos of family celebrations (for example, weddings, birthdays).
•    Plan a tea party for your household.  Decide what food to serve and lay the table with the correct number of place settings.  You could even write a menu or make place cards for each person!
•    Make some special sandwiches! 
Tiny Pinwheel Sandwiches: Take some ordinary sliced bread and flatten with a rolling pin.  Remove crusts and spread with your choice of filling.  Roll up tightly and wrap in clingfilm.  Refrigerate for 30 minutes before slicing to reveal the lovely swirly pattern inside!
Stripy Sandwiches: Use one slice of white bread and one slice of brown bread, remove the crusts, fill with your chosen filling and cut into finger slices!
•    Write some Christmas cards to friends or family.  Perhaps you could create your own Christmas card design?
•    Learn the words to some Christmas carols or songs. Find items from around the home to use as instruments to make music to accompany your songs!
•    Explore Christmas traditions around the world 
•    Make a rhyming paper chain- can you think of words that rhyme with 'cat'?  Or 'pig'?  Or 'man'?  They could be real words or nonsense words.
•    Play, 'Show me...' with your fingers.  Your adult says a number to 10 and you hold up the correct number of fingers.  Can you count them accurately?
